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Snow removal is not to be taken lightly

There are many benefits to hiring a Commercial snow plowing Downriver Michigan company, including saving you time and preventing potential injuries. While hiring professional help can seem like an expensive decision, it is actually more economical than relying on the use of your own equipment or taking time away from your business to clear your parking lots. . It requires a lot of man power and equipment to properly clear a commercial or residential parking lot in Michigan’s snowy climate!

It is best if you call Cutting Edge Property Maintenance for a free estimate for commercial and residential snow removal.

How much does it cost to have your commercial or residential parking lot plowed? The cost depends on many factors, so it is best if you call Cutting Edge Property Maintenance for a free estimate for commercial and residential snow removal. They look forward to earning your business this winter and throughout the year! Cutting Edge Property Maintenance offers commercial snow removal with industry standard equipment including gas trucks, 2 stage snow blower, & Bobcats for parking lot clearing. Residential clients are offered smaller gas trucks for more frequent plowing. Cutting Edge Property Maintenance offers only reliable, well-maintained equipment to guarantee your safety on the road! A 100% satisfaction guarantee is offered on all residential and commercial snow removal plans.

Most snow plow companies charge by the hour with a four-hour minimum or a flat rate. Each company is different so it is best to call around. Just know that the more trucks and manpower assigned to your job, the higher the cost. Why? It takes a long time for just one truck to do what two can do in half the time! The price you are quoted does not include hauling or disposing of snow. This can vary greatly depending on what you want done with the snow. An average hauler charges by the truckload , but since there is no set price it is best to call around. Some companies might offer free haul-away during slow months, especially if you are an established business customer or property owner who has hired them before.

Here are five reasons why hiring professionals for your commercial snow removal needs will save you money in the long run:

  1. No Time Wasted If Your Business Is Closed During Bad Weather

When weather emergencies like hurricanes arise, most businesses close until conditions improve. Not only does this interrupt customer transactions and services during regular business hours, but it also causes employees to take time off work that they aren’t able to recover. A professional snow removal service doesn’t need to take time off nor does it need you to personally be there for them to do their job.

  1. Safely Clearing Your Lots With Little Probability Of Injury To Employees Or Customers

Snow and ice can cause dangerous slip-and-fall accidents, especially if your parking lot isn’t clear of snow. Removing the snow yourself puts you and your employees at risk of possible injuries—and not just from slipping and falling! Using a professional service prevents potential injuries because they have the proper equipment and training to operate all types of machinery. The last thing that you want is an injury lawsuit on your hands, so let the pros handle this important task for you!

  1. Save Your Employees From Wasting Time At Work On A Task That Can Be Outsourced

Winter weather can keep your employees stuck at home if they don’t have anywhere safe to park or if the roads are impassable. While you may be able to live without some of your employees during snowstorms, it’s best not to risk having them wasting time at work that could be spent on tasks that need completed whether or not there is any snow outside. Hiring a service will ensure that someone will always be clearing your property and driveways no matter how much snow falls throughout the season!

  1. Dealing With Snow And Ice Can Cause Major Damage To Your Equipment

Using heavy machinery like snow blowers, shovels and plows can cause wear and tear on your equipment. This can be costly in the long run if you need to replace it every time there is a snowstorm or hire someone else to use it. A professional service has all of the necessary tools for removing any type of winter weather condition so you won’t have to worry about investing in multiple pieces of equipment that may not even last through one season.

  1. Save Money On New Equipment By Not Having To Replace It Due To Overuse

If you invest in heavy-duty equipment just for winter, then you will likely find yourself needing to replace it once fall comes around again. The cold weather causes wear and tear on your equipment that makes it difficult to operate. Instead, you can spend a few extra dollars on a professional service so you don’t have to worry about replacing your own equipment every few years!